094222534 hello@besoul.co.nz

PETER (Ivan Michael) TICKLE

27th April, 1937 - 4th, February 2023


Peter Tickle passed away peacefully in his sleep on 4th February, 2023. Loved by Marion, Lisa, Simone, Vanya and Matt, and Tiana, Meika and Louie. Dear brother of Barry and Sonia. Uncle to Peter and Ana. An informal gathering to celebrate Peter’s life will be held at the Magnolia Room of Besoul Funerals, 12 Gumfield Drive, Warkworth on Saturday 11th February 2023 at 1.30pm. All communications to hello@besoul.co.nz

Celebration Of Life

February 11, 2023

1:30 pm


Tribute Wall

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