094222534 hello@besoul.co.nz


When someone you love dies, it is overwhelming as you begin the grieving process.

 You will understandably need to take care of yourself and other family members and friends first. When you are ready, there are practical steps you need to take. We can guide you through these first important tasks including taking care of the deceased.

The most important thing to know is you don’t need to rush into a decision.


The first considerations

Generally, a service takes place within three to five days of a person’s passing, but this is not compulsory.

The most important thing to do first, is to contact any family and friends that you wish to help support you, or that you want to be part of the decision making process.

Then, a doctor needs to confirm the death by signing a Death Certificate. If the death has occurred at a hospital or nursing home, you may be invited to spend time with your loved one before they are transferred to the funeral home. It is totally up to you which funeral service provider to use. Staff at hospitals, hospices and rest homes will be able to provide you with some options and contact details.

If the death was an accident or was an unexpected death (i.e. no serious health history, possible violence, or no recent consultation with a doctor) the police will need to be contacted and they will determine if the death should be referred to a coroner to determine the cause of death. Only when a cause of death is determined will the deceased be able to be transferred to a funeral home.

If you choose to involve besoul Funerals we can take care of your loved one when they are able to be transferred. We are on the end of the phone any time and can either meet you where you are, or travel to the hospital or facility where they may be.

If the deceased had any wishes about their remains or how they wanted their funeral to be, you can start to gather that information to share with us.


“We were very happy with how Besoul looked after our Dad’s funeral. It was the perfect amount of helping. Not too much, but enough to make us feel supported. They were super accommodating, meeting our wishes, making Dad’s farewell the day we wanted it to be.”


besoul Funerals

At besoul we bring our passion to creating a memorial event that captures that essence of a person. Were they a gentle soul? Were they the life and soul of the party?

Phone 24/7: 09 422 2534

Email: hello@besoul.co.nz

12 Gumfield Drive, Warkworth

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